CSR activity : GreenPak
November 30, 2022
GreenPak each year runs the Nirricikla Ghall-Istrina, a campaign linking recycling and charity for the common good.
This has become a well-known nationwide campaign, and as the name of the campaign implies, its aim is to collect funds for l-Istrina.
The Betsson Group Affiliate Team have collected a large number of plastic cups which will now be recycled.
Plastic caps collected for this campaign were:
• Water bottles plastic caps
• Soft drink bottles plastic caps
• Jerry can & detergent plastic caps
• Milk & juice carton plastic caps
• Any other type of plastic cap that does not have foil or cardboard underneath the cap itself
In return at the end of the year, GreenPak will now proceed with a donation to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation through l-Istrina.
Thanks to this campaign, tonnes of plastic caps are collected each year so that they are recycled and in return a donation is given to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation during L-Istrina.
For the purpose of this campaign, only plastic caps such as caps from water bottles, soft drinks, juices and jerry cans, as also plastic caps that do not have foil or cardboard underneath the cap are collected.
#corporatesocialresponsibility #charity #recycling #GreenPak #commitmenttocsr #betssongroupaffiliates #betssongroup
More information can be found via: https://www.greenpak.com.mt/nirricikla-ghall-istrina